about Me...

My name is Bernd Grosseck. I live near Graz in Styria (Austria). One of the things that sparked my interest in getting started with photography as a teenager was something my old geography teacher said. He said that people who own a camera, or take photographs, see much more, and go through life with a far more attentive attidude, than people who don´t have a camera. This fits with a quote by the US documentary photographer Dorothea Lange:  "the camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera". I still stand behind this sentence 100% today: if you have a "trained" eye, you are instinctively always looking for a special subject. This means that you pay attention to lots more things around you or when you are travelling. As a result, I can only recommend that children are given the chance to see the world through the lens of a camera at an early age.


Consequently, I have now tried ever-harder to find a personal "look" for my images. In addition, I have also really got to grips with photography in general, its various facets and many of its exponents. For example, I have been fascinated by the work of Michael Kenna and Franco Fontana for many years. After I visited an exhibition at the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna some years ago, where the wonderful pictures by Saul Leiter were on display, I delved into numerous American artists like  Robert Frank, Fred Herzog, William Eggleston, Elliot Erwitt  and many more. In terms of French artists, the work of  Robert Doisneau, Jean Loup Sieff, Brassai  and Henri Cartier-Bresson,... is a constant inspiration to me. Of the Austrians, I would like to mention Inge Morath and Josef Hoflehner. I could continue this line-up for a long time because there are many, many artists who motivate me with their fantastic work and approaches. This means that I am also constantly looking for new approaches and designing my compositions in a more conscious manner. 


In January 2023, I took the next step with my photography. Up to now it has been a passionate amateur activity, but now it is a leap into professionalism:

Recent publications and interviews:

(most of these sites are German)

In January 2024, I started my guest blog at "derStandard.at" - photographic expeditions through villages that have something special to offer, through culturally and historically interesting district towns that you have perhaps only driven past far too often and of well-known places at a time of year when you can also enjoy their uniqueness. A blog for people who travel to the Alpe Adria region "consciously", who "take" rather than "shoot" photos.


With images from my series "minimal scenery" I am part of the exhibition "Photography in the visual culture" in Palermo - Italy (Centro Internazionale di Fotografia). This exhibition take shape from the current edition of the book (16 Feb. - 5 March 2023)


I was guest in Michel Birnbacher's Leica Enthusiast Podcast. Talk about the article "Change Management with the Leica M10", about "Slow Traveling" and about the current photo projects "Sound of Silence" and "Minimal Scenery" (03/2022)




Photography calendar 2022 for all households from my hometown Kainbach bei Graz with a collection of 13 landscape pictures (12/2021)

Spectaculum Magazine (an international magazine, which shows great photography of the arts) published my picture series about the graffiti on the "Taggerwerk in Graz" (03/2021) - images of an industrial building, which impresses with huge murals on its outer walls.




Pictures Magazine: series of pictures and a review about my photo project "Graz is it? It is! Urban still life, urban street life" in the  Pictures magazine (05/2020) 

As a guest author for the german online photo magazine "Kwerfeldein" I wrote

As a guest author for "Fotoespresso"  (the photo magazine of the german d-punkt publishing company) I wrote: "the photographer as a slow traveler"  --> Der Fotograf als "slow traveler" (05/2018)

My article about slow-traveling in crete was published in the  Kreta-Blog and in the blog "Radio Kreta"(05/2019)






Get Inspired Magazine (10/2019) an editorial about my photographic work "minimal scenery"





Photoreview with pictures of my project "minimal scenery"  in the

eye - photomagazine  (02/2019)


Monochrome Photography Awards 2022: 1x "Honorable Mention" in the category "Landscapes-Professional and 1x Honorable Mention in the category "Landscapes-Amateur"



Interested in purchasing fine art prints, posters, ...?

With each art print you buy, Photocircle and Bernd Grosseck support development projects all over the world. About the active projects: www.photocircle.net/us/about-us


Cameras: Leica M11, Leica Q3, Sony A7r III, Sony RX 100 VI

Thanks for visiting my website and being interested to find out more about me and my photographic work. Of course I would also enjoy feedback about the works from my portfolio --> contact page